Land Drainage
Land Drainage Solutions
Excess water can lead to multiple problems for land owners and users, particularly in the agriculture, sports and leisure sectors, restricting land access, reducing crop yields, causing soil erosion, water logging sections of pitch and flooding.
Effective drainage is therefore a critical component of any surface water management scheme. Often natural drainage is not enough, and engineered systems are required.
Our systems can be designed to deal with specific drainage issues or land-use concerns.
The Landcoil Range
Our Landcoil range is designed to aid the successful management of land water. It has been shown to make significant improvements in areas where poor drainage affects ground quality. The PVCu Landcoil range includes a choice of diameters, colours and coil lengths. It is durable, easy to install, carries the BS 4962 quality Kitemark and is supported by an extensive range of fittings.
Trenches and French Drains
The installation of trenches and french drains to collect, treat and infiltrate water and/or route it to another area is common in many rural and transport network applications.
The use of our Linflex filter drainage pipes, Ridgidrain 100-600mm surface water drainage pipes, Ridgitreat surface water treatment pipe and Permafilter geotextile in trenches and french drains, used in conjunction with RIDGISTORM Separate Silt Traps and Catchpits to remove silt, is an effective source control water management solution.