Surface Water Drainage
With specialist solutions for highways and railways, agriculture, building projects in the private and public sectors plus airports, seaports and harbours, there's a Polypipe answer for every surface water drainage problem. We offer the UK's widest and most varied range of solutions.
Right for Every Application
Our Ridgidrain and Ridgistorm-XL thermoplastic structured walled piping systems range from 100-3000mm in diameter, have a lifetime in excess of 60 and 100 years respectively and are complemented by gullies, land drainage solutions, filter drains, flow control devices and access and inspection chambers to create a system for every application.
Treatment Too
Surface water treatment can be an integral part of every solution. Our components separate everything from silt and debris through to heavy metal pollutants from run-off, ensuring that higher quality water enters the watercourse. Solutions from Polypipe include RIDGISTORM Separate Silt Traps and Catchpits, Ridgitreat surface water treatment pipe and RIDGISTORM-X4 treatment devices.
Working to the Highest Standards
Our solutions can be adapted to any surface area and scale of construction. They also meet all relevant regulations, standards and legislation, with WRc, BBA and PADS approval.
Expert Support
And, of course, our market leading engineering and manufacturing expertise is backed by outstanding technical support.
Power The Complete Range of Cable Protection Solutions for Power Applications. With our Ridgiduct, Ridgicoil and Polyduct ranges, we offer a comprehensive choice of cable protection solutions for power applications.