Surface Water Retention

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) can be used to first cleanse surface water run-off and then store it both above and below ground. This can be used to re-supply cleansed but non-wholesome water to buildings or landscapes

Rainwater recovery systems, such as Rainstream, can be installed on individual properties or as large scale communal systems within urban and rural developments.


Retaining and re-using rainwater for non-potable purposes such as irrigation and toilet flushing can reduce demand for potable water, and also help to protect our natural resources and landscape.

  • Polystorm - Geocellular System

    The Permavoid system comprises of high strength modular cells suitable for sub-base replacement, plus components that incorporate silt/oil treatment and shallow flow controls into the system.

  • Permavoid Geocellular System

    The tried and tested Polystorm geocellular range is designed to provide retention, attenuation or infiltration at a variety of depths.

  • Rainstream - Rainwater Re-use

    Rainstream from Polypipe offers a range of highly effective solutions for the retention, filtration and re-use of rainwater in commercial and residential applications


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