Transport Infrastructure
Drainage for the mine’s road and rail infrastructure which may suffer during extensive rain periods or sudden storms.
The table below illustrates water use for processing and extraction by mineral/metal type
With different types of mines having different water requirements, platinum and diamond mines rely on water the least while copper and gold mines are most water intensive.
Mining and mineral processing cannot take place without water
Polypipe plastic piping systems provide effective water management solutions for the following six applications, where water is used in mines:
Drainage for the mine’s road and rail infrastructure which may suffer during extensive rain periods or sudden storms.
Delivery and distribution of water for mine operations from a number of sources from local bore holes to desalination plants.
Removal of waste water from mines and processing into tailings ponds as well as control of storm water.
Once extracted, mineral ores are transported to the processing plant, where water is used to extract the metal or mineral from the host rock.
Removal of waste water to a processing or sewerage plant for treatment and possible re-use.
Water delivery and drainage systems, delivering welfare for the mine workers and local communities.